Our financial planning process

Solving your current challenges and achieving your aspirations

We believe that the creation of a financial plan should be a holistic and bespoke process.

Our service covers all aspects of your financial needs and provides you with the optimum solution to fill any gaps that we identify in your current financial circumstances.

For that reason, our process is about you, your current challenges and your most important aspirations; big and small, short and long term.

In order to create your plan, we follow a five-stage process which is normally followed by our ongoing review service. Therefore, should your situation, needs or goals change, we’ll be on hand to ensure your plan is serving your best interests.

Five stages to success

The Financial Planning Cycle

1. Listen

At a free initial consultation, we begin by understanding what is important to you and your current financial goals. We also collect your personal information and explain our fee structure. The consultation will close with a summary of our findings, and our suggested next steps toward a tailored, yet realistic, solution to your needs. There is no obligation to proceed at this stage, and no costs will have been incurred.

2. Research

The next stage is to analyse your financial situation. We will use the information gathered about you to thoroughly analyse your financial position, using our extensive knowledge of financial markets, then diligently research potential solutions for your needs.

3. Advise

We will create a bespoke financial plan, recommending the best financial solutions to achieve your goals. At a second meeting, we will explain our research and recommendations so that you can make fully informed decisions. We will take you through our report step-by-step, and you are free to take the report away and give it due consideration before agreeing to move forward to the next stage.

4. Implement

Once you feel that you can make a fully-informed decision to proceed, and you have given us your consent to do so, we will begin the process of implementing our recommendations. We will assist you in completing all the relevant forms and ensuring your applications are processed by the relevant investment houses and providers in a timely manner.

5. Review

It’s important that any investments are regularly reviewed to ensure that they’re optimised for any changing personal circumstances, economic changes, tax legislation and regulations. Finally, we will provide you with online access to view your investments at the touch of a button.

Based on value added

Our financial planning fees

Our fees are based solely upon the provision of our expertise, the time taken to analyse your circumstances, the design of an appropriate summary report and the value we can add to you.

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Rooted in evidence

Our investment philosophy

Our investment services and philosophy are based on years of evidence and understanding. Find out more about how we ensure our clients are getting the best value from their investments.

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