AF1 – Personal Tax and Trust Planning: This examination assesses the candidate to develop in-depth financial planning skills related to personal tax and trusts.
AF3 – Pension Planning: This examination assesses the candidate to develop in-depth financial planning skills related to personal and corporate pensions.
AF4 – Investment Planning: This examination assesses the candidate to develop in-depth financial planning skills related to investments and the management of investment portfolios.
AF5 – Financial Planning Process: This examination assesses the candidate to develop an understanding of the financial planning process when giving advice to clients.
J01 – Personal Tax: At the end of this unit, candidates should be able to demonstrate an understanding of: the basic structure of the tax system and self-assessment; the main taxes on income and capital that may be charged on individuals, the self-assessment system and how tax liabilities are computed; impact of residence and domicile on an individual’s liability to UK tax.
J04 – Pension Funding Options: At the end of this unit, candidates should be able to demonstrate an understanding of the main tax and legal frameworks that govern the accumulation phase of building up retirement benefits under registered pension schemes; features of defined contribution and defined benefit pensions; choices faced by early leavers and use of transfer value analysis; State retirement benefits available, including the risks and suitability of contracting out of the State Second Pension.
J05 – Pension Income Options: At the end of this unit, candidates should be able to demonstrate an understanding of the process of decumulating pension funds and the main issues for clients and advisers; main choices facing members of pensions schemes during decumulation; features, risks and tax treatment of the secured pension option; features, risks and tax treatment of the unsecured pension option; features, risks and tax treatment of phased retirement; features, risks and tax treatment of the alternatively secured pension option.
STEP Certificate for Financial Services (Trusts and Estates Planning): This qualification assesses a knowledge and understanding of the legal and tax factors of estate planning.
R02 – Investment Principles: This qualification assesses a knowledge and understanding of investment products and the application of the investment advice process.
R08 – Pensions Update: This qualification focuses on pension reforms and how they affect advice, including the new legislative, compliance and reporting requirements.
CF1 – UK Financial Services, Regulation and Ethics: This examination assesses knowledge and understanding of the purpose and structure of the UK financial services industry.
CF2 – Investment and Risk: This examination assesses a knowledge and understanding of investment products and the risks involved.
CF3 – Financial Protection: This examination assesses a knowledge and understanding of financial protection plans.
CF4 – Retirement Planning: This examination assesses a knowledge and understanding of the various pension products, the pension tax regime and retirement needs.
CF5 – Integrated Financial Planning: This examination assesses a knowledge and understanding of the concepts and products from across the financial planning industry.
CF6 – Certificate in Mortgage Advice: This qualification assesses a knowledge and understanding of the UK regulation environment in the financial services industry, mortgage products, repayment options and the giving of mortgage advice.